Dienstag, 12. April 2011

walking and talking

Dearest Joshi,

You are now walking all over the place, ever since your birthday. Indoors and outdoors. Papa loves how when you get to the doorwell from the hall into the kitchen or living room you stop and slowing go over the mini-step like a ballerina dancer. You are actually very careful in most things you do.

Going back to work, challenging happy to take you with me, but you are doing a great job so far and are able to entertain your self for good stretches of time so mommy can work.

Your latest passion is playing with tubes of baby cream. You have discovered how to open them with your teeth and then you eat the cream, by accident, that is not actually your goal. I have a couple of empty tubes which I allow you to play with cause there is no cream that comes out. You happily play with these for long stretches.

You are into eating non-food things, but act disgusted by actual food. Mama has a hard time understanding why you want to eat the foam edge protection from the coffee table, or a piece of kleenex, but trying new foods disgusts you before you even take it in your mouth.

Your absulute favorite toy and disctraction is the dyson vaccum cleaner, you take an attachment and vacuum and play vacuum the floor and/or furniture along side along side mama. You never tire of this either! Mommy's guitar continues to be your other big excitement. You also like papa's saxophone and mama's clarinet. All super fascinating. You even played your music set while mama played the guitar, backing her up. You were so proud of yourself.

On April 6th you first tried to say the word avocado, twice in a row! And you have said it a few times since, it sounds something like Vaaa Kao
Today (April 13th) you said the word eyes. In general ou definitely talk a lot, you are constantly babbling and chattering in what sounds like a foreign language.

You love to rock out to music and anything at all that makes a rhythm. It is sooooo cute! I try to capture it on film, but that has proven difficult, as you are then distracted by the looming camera.

Love you my sweet pea,

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