Montag, 18. April 2011

Springtime and Tempertantrums

Dear Joshi,

Spring is in full swing and I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that you are/will be a temper tantrum baby. You are very strong-willed and when you want something, you want it! If anyone tells you no, or takes it away, you throw a crying fit. This has been going on for a number of weeks now, but since you turned one it has really taken off. If I am holding you and go to put you down and you don't want to be, you throw yourself on my feet and tug and cry. If I try to walk even one step away, you throw yourself on the floor and scream. As much as you are gaining in independence, you are still very attached to mama and cling to me like a little monkey.
You have also started bucking and screaming not to have to go into your baby carriage or sometimes your high chair, even if the second before you were happy about the prospects of going out or eating. We have regular battles on the changing table as well, as often I am in the middle of changing your diaper, you decied we are done and start to turn over, always at the most inconvenient moment. Mommy has to hold you down and that makes you roar.
In general you are very well-behaved, you go for long stretches of being very amiable, charming and darling....and then when least expected, you let your beast-side show....
You get impatient with objects also, when they don't do what you you were trying to put one of your push toys with a stick up in the high chair. You were holding the stick at the very top and your arms weren't long enough, this ticked you off and you were cursing the toy until mama came to help you out. Once the toy was up in the high chair you were happy.
You have taken to taking down the dish towels hanging on the cabinet, you can reach the towel and pull no problem, but the handle is just out of your reach. This was a problem when you tried to hang the towel back up and you couldn't reach. You were yelping about it until mama helped you.
You have discovered that remote controls control the radio and or tv. It is funny to watch you commandingly pointing the remote at the television, like a King, not realizing you have push a button at the same time. Even funnier, you have started carrying the cordless phone around trying to turn on all kinds of things by pointing it.
Today the kitty cat went and sat in front of his cabinet where the treats are. You know this and were trying to open the cabinet for him to get him his treat. I died laughing it was so cute! Mommy of course helped you and got a treat out and let you give it to Erasmus.
Because the weather has been so nice again, we have been going out to the park and you love to play in the sand! Sand is so fascinating for you, you love to pick it up and watch it fall out of your hand, again and again. So far, thankfully, there have been no temper issues at the park.
Love, your mama

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