Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

Water Baby

Joshua is a water baby all the way. He really loves bathtime and starts to kick as soon as we go into the bathroom and I lay him down on his towel and he hears me turn on the water.

I started a baby swimming with him at the beginning of August. We already have had five or so swimming lessons and he loves it. There are anywhere from 8 to 12 other babies and mamas there. The pool is made for babies with warm water and low chlorine levels (oxygen is also used). Lots of the swimming is about singing songs and playing with objects in the water, like mini watering cans and colorful floating balls, but there is also the more serious 10 minutes where the baby practices a skill, like going underwater, floating on the back swimming underwater to mama with and without instructor. There is also a relaxation at the end where the main lights are turned down and a play of colored lights on the ceiling are accompanied by relaxation music, while the babies lie on mats and are pushed around the pool by their mommies. Joshua finds this part awesome too. He loves the games and the singing, the relaxation - he is not so convinced by the swimming underwater, but did very well with it.

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