Dienstag, 31. August 2010

5 months old and growing

Today Joshua turned five months old. On Sunday he sat on his own for about a minute without the use of his hands to brace himself! Today, he sat for a little longer before he began to tip over and I had to catch him. He actually sat upright on his own out of a seated position using his hands. I was so proud of him and he was quite pleased with himself.
He is also pleased with himself and his new ability to screetch. His screetching doesn't have any particular meaning. He uses it when he is mad, or frustrated, as well as when he is bored but also when he is happy. Mommy hopes very much that this is only a very short testing-phase.
Joshua is already showing that he has quite a sense of humour. Papa had him dancing the other day on the kitchen counter. Joshua thought this was awesome and he makes this certain move where he makes a funny laughing face while he lifts a leg and bends down at the same time. I called this new dance move "the joshua" and started imitating him. He saw me doing this and thought it was hysterical. He was screeching with laughter and made it clear, he got it!
He also played peek-a-boo with me. I put a blanket over his face and said, where's the baby? And then pulled the blanket the way and said, there's the baby!" He laughed each time. I stopped doing this after a few minutes, but he continued the game on his own - pulling the blanket over his face and then pulling it way, while giving me a big grin!

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