Brave boy who loves bath time and the pool - no fear of water - not much fear of anything, except for dead leaves, the sound of sirens, the cat's mouse toy (it looks so real), and being separated from mommy (totally normal).
Only walking a few months, and now he's off running - like fast! And last week he started spinning in circles, and laughing about the sensation. He even does it in on command. Mama turns in circles, he watches with fascination and then mama stops and says "now you do it", and he complies
Big little boy who loves to have his tasks, at the office it is bringing the printed off sheets to whoever printed. At home it is bringing the bunny rabbit his carrots and the kitty cat his treats and takes vacuuming very seriously too of course.
Little boy is still being nursed like a champ, but also now eating real solids, pretty much whatever we eat, especially if it is spicy: like rucola pesto, spagehtti bolognese with garlic and italian spices, garlic in general. Cheese, glorious cheese! Especially goat's cheese. And plain yogurt is still number one.
Little Mr. coordinated with an amazing sense of rhythm, dances to the sound of anything, sometimes even to the sound of nothing, hears his own music. Just discovered spinning in circles, flaps his arms like wings and stamps his feet when excited, or throws his arms down straight with fists and straightens his whole body like a lightning rod.
Litte love bug, loves to hug and gives kisses. If mama is squatting he comes running and bops and hugs her from behind! Love bug kisses pictures of animals and favorite things in his picture books, nearly every page he finds something to kiss. Love bug loves kissing mama too, all big open mouthed kisses :)))
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