Dear Joshi,
You turned 9 months old on New Year's Eve and saw your first fireworks. You woke up because they were so loud...and we watched them from the kitchen window together. You thought they were cool, but were also quite sleepy and kept burying your head in my shoulder between curious glances. I was happy that you weren't afraid cause they were quite loud and plentiful!
Now we are a couple of weeks into the New Year and you have made a major leap in development on all levels. It is a whole new ball game now. You are crawling all over the place. It took you a while to actually realize what it means to be mobile, i.e. that you could determine where and when to go, that you could follow Mommy or leave Mommy. It was so cute to watch you make these discoveries.
You are able wave at people, although this surprised me, cause all of a sudden you could just do it, without any conscious effort on any of our parts to teach you to do it. You took me by surprise just a day or two ago, when I took you for a walk and we stopped in Wöllingers for a drink and to get warm by the fireplace, and you waved to (and flirted with) the older couple at the table next to us. I was asking myself, when did you learn to do that? I thought maybe it was a coincidence, but since then you have been waving hi and bye to people quite regularly. Stopping in front of the hallway mirror the other day, you waved to both of us : )
Mama is so much looking forward to this new year with you. All the things you will yet discover, all the things you will learn in 2011!
Lots of love, your Mama
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