Montag, 9. Juli 2012

Growing like a weed

Joshi is growing and developing at light speed. It is amazing to watch such a little person making so many new connections everyday.

Joshi Cutenesses.
He doesn't like his hands to be dirty or sticky. He always cries STICKY when his hands are a bit of a mess. When he eats bread with honey, I have to wipe his hands at regular intervals so he doesn't have a meltdown. He won't touch his sippy cup to drink until he has been wiped. At the zoo with Papa at the crocodile cage - one crocodile came out of the water and played in the sand in front of the glass. All the visitors were thrilled with this treat - only Joshi was disturbed. Not because he was afraid or anything, but because sand was sticking to the crocodile's wet hands and feet. He kept saying again and again, oh oh, sticky!  

Joshi is a jokester -one little job he has is to put his shoes back where they go when we get home. They go on a particular shelf in his dresser. We moved the dresser though to another spot and since them he loves to make the joke that he is putting the shoes back in the air in the spot where the dresser used to stand. He waits till you not there! He laughs and runs to the spot where they now go. He expanded his joke to include other various shelves, where the shoes don't go. When I tell him to put his shoes away, he always says, okay - mama come! I have to go with him, so he can make his joke.

Little commander

You definitely like to run the show and have very clear ideas about how things should be go. You direct everybody in their roles and parts in the Joshi-Show. As long as everyone goes along with you then there are no problems. If anyone strays from your will or "orders" you get down-right mad and even more insistent!
The other day papa got home from work and while mama was fixing dinner papa was playing with you. You started talking about the museum (Deutsches Verkehrzentrum) that papa usually takes you to. Then you took the phone, pretended to call mama to tell her (me) that you were going to the museum with papa and you were gonna take the bobby car (which you call baby car : ))). Papa usually brings that along for you and you ride it through the museum among the big cars and trains and helicopters, etc. So then you hung up the phone and went and got your bobby car and shoes and brought it into the kitchen. It was at that moment that you weren't just reminiscing or planning for another day, but were fully intent and convinced that you and papa were going to the museum! Papa had to explain to you that it is too late and it is time for dinner and that the museum isn't open. You were heart broken and cried big alligator tears! It took a bit to calm you down and the promise that you and papa would go real soon again! So sweet.

Lately you have also taken to two expressions- the one being "Oh Mein Gott!" and the hands go on the top of your head. You exclaim this like if you drop something or spill or just because. The other one is "Oh Ja, Danke Mama (or Papa)"....You say thank you if I make a good suggestion (like something to play) or if I give you food and you do it with such exclamation in your voice almost as if I am saving you - like i haven't fed you in an eternity...poor neglected child!