Freitag, 17. Februar 2012

Bilingual Baby and Smarty Pants

Joshua spends lots of time with mama and papa (more often papa) at museums. And in the tradition of his older brother Leo who has been going to the Deutsches Museum since he was 2 1/2 - Joshi now knows what it means to go the museum and at the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum (museum for transportation) he has his favorites picked out. He loves to get the sticker that all guests have to wear upon entry. He is terribly proud of his sticker which he wears on the chest of his shirt and that we all have one too. This will be one educated kid when we are finished with him.

He is being raised bilingually and while English is by far the dominant language at the moment. He understands a lot of German. He even mixes words. Up until now he said Nein instead of No. Now he has switched to saying No most of the time. Water is either WaWa or Wasser (which he pronounces perfectly). German pronunciation comes much easier. I am not sure if that is because it is such a gutteral language to begin with. Most likely.

Famous mispronunciations:

Ship comes out Shit
Fox comes out Fock
This is the best one: Firetruck comes out Fuckuck

Vvvvv: is Joshi's umbrella term for anything that spins, or spirals or looks like it could spin or spiral. Like a fan, the wheels of a car, the spinning dvd icon on the tv

He loves potato chips a lot. He calls them bops - It is so cute when he asks for a bop - one time he stole the bag without us realizing. We found him in the living room eating bop after bop out of the bag. Needless to say, he didn't want any dinner after.