Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012

Ha Hee Hoo or 21 months

Joshi first experience with television viewing has been Happy Feet (the step-dancing penguin), but Joshi can't pronounce it so he has come up with: Ha Hee Hoo. Lately has been getting on nerves asking to watch Ha Hee Hoo constantly. At first it was just the menu where Happy Feet dances and after the third time, the film starts automatically, he wanted the menu back on. Meanwhile he watches the first 20 minutes of the film.

He has three Kid CD's which he wants to hear non-stop. But if you put in the wrong one he gets furious. Thankfully he has moved on to asking for Michael Jackson and Johnny Cash. But even those CD's are getting old now.

At about 20 months he started to express the concept of possession and loves to label things as
mama's or papa's. If he finds a coin somewhere, which sometimes happens, he (thankfully) always brings it to me and says mama's and gives it to me.

Joshi's favorite expressions:

Nein, nein - DONE! When he doesnt want to do or eat something

Wes is'n des? more or less Bavarian for what's this?

He has a passion for fans. Once he discovered an air duct which he thought was a fan. I explained that it wasn't a fan but an air duct. He made the sound for fan wwwwwwwww with a quack quack attached. I laughed my arsch off, cause I realized of course he thought I said air duck. Now everytime he sees a cold air return he says wwwwww quack quack

A few weeks back we went to an organic farm with some of the JYM students to have a tour and to see the pigs. Joshi love the pigs except one of the stole his mitten and a pony tried to kiss him and scared him, he was crying. But it seems not to have caused any lasting trauma : )

Joshi loves to do Yoga with his mama. He can already do the following poses - downward dog, cat pose, lion and tree : ) He also loves to roll up the yoga mat for mama and carry back to where it goes. It is so cute to watch him bring it down the hall it is nearly as long as he is tall and he carries it so proudly to its place.

He still can't say Leo but says: hhnnngg (very gutteral!) which means Leo

It is hilarious when he farts -- he always laughs hahaha and says diaper (daper)...

He loves the concept of "all done" or "all gone", he mostly says all done to mean both. Even for situation where his book was not where it was supposed to be and he said book all done. When he found his binky holder with no binky attached, he said nay nay (his word for binky) all done. When he is in the car and doesn't want to be he says "done car"

First time lying at 20 months! When we layed down to bed for a nap one time, I discoverd he had a full diaper and we got up and changed it. Now whenever we lay down for a nap and he doesn't want to he wines and says done and when that doesn't work, he looks at me and says "diaper", cause he hopes we will get up to change him. I then check it there in bed and find out he is totally dry. I realized he is sort of lying to me! Hahaha - it starts this early? I never realized!