Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012

Photos of Joshua at Isar Kids

Living and Swearing

My dear boy -

It is hard to imagine that 2 and 1/2 years ago you could do nothing by yourself, save nursing and sleeping, and how far you have come in such a short time.

You have gotten into the cursing thing - sometimes Mama and Papa are bad and say "Scheisse" without thinking - Like when the cat jumped out the window onto the scaffolding outside the apartment and I saw him walking past the living room window - I yelled Scheisse! and ran to rescue the cat! That impressed you very much, to my dismay ; ) Papa was also laying network cables through the JYM offices after our renovations. We were all there on a Saturday working, etc. and you heard Papa cursing the cables, he said:
Scheissendreck! (rough translation dirty shit / I guess in English we would say piece of shit!) Anyhow, that impressed you too. You got out your own cables and pretended to lay them (through furniture and along walls) and you cursed Scheissendreck the whole time! Trying to correct you was absolutely futile. We chose to just ignore (not to make it even more enticing by drawing all kinds of attention to the word and your saying it!)

You definitely have some binlingual mixes that are quite endearing:
Mama kann ich bitte more haven?
Super gemacht! Mama is a big boy now! (After I successfully sliced your pizza.

It was really cute how the last time we skyped with grandma, you put on quite a show for her! You danced and bounced around on the sofa and were really hamming it up for her.

I love how you are singing all the time (like your Mama!)- you know nearly all the words (acoustically at least) to Somewhere over the Rainbow (I sing this to you very often to help you fall sleep) and you know all the ABC's. It is funny because we watch this one video - ABC gang (three guys A, B and C) where they sing the song and afterwards letter A starts humming the tune and says "Hey..wait a minute" and starts singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star under his breath - he then shouts "Hey, they`re the same song! They`re the same song! We always laugh so hard here and you like to imitate that scene at the breakfast table. So funny!

The other day you took your doll Mocca (yes you have one!) held her and sang her Somewhere over the Rainbow (while giving her your Binky!) to get to her to sleep. So cute : )

At the nursery we had a developement assessment at the beginning of August. You are average to well-above average in every category. They say you are the only one who knows (and uses!) the names of all the kids and teachers including those from the other groups, that you don't see that often!
They say you are the local commentator/ news reporter..whatever goes on, is being done or the actions of other kids you narrate the events to all who care to listen. You do this at home too. It is quite a riot!

Your two favorite other kids at the moment are Stella and Paul. They say your are a tight threesome and love to play together. 

I love you bunches and bunches my little Joshi Bockers!

Montag, 9. Juli 2012

Growing like a weed

Joshi is growing and developing at light speed. It is amazing to watch such a little person making so many new connections everyday.

Joshi Cutenesses.
He doesn't like his hands to be dirty or sticky. He always cries STICKY when his hands are a bit of a mess. When he eats bread with honey, I have to wipe his hands at regular intervals so he doesn't have a meltdown. He won't touch his sippy cup to drink until he has been wiped. At the zoo with Papa at the crocodile cage - one crocodile came out of the water and played in the sand in front of the glass. All the visitors were thrilled with this treat - only Joshi was disturbed. Not because he was afraid or anything, but because sand was sticking to the crocodile's wet hands and feet. He kept saying again and again, oh oh, sticky!  

Joshi is a jokester -one little job he has is to put his shoes back where they go when we get home. They go on a particular shelf in his dresser. We moved the dresser though to another spot and since them he loves to make the joke that he is putting the shoes back in the air in the spot where the dresser used to stand. He waits till you not there! He laughs and runs to the spot where they now go. He expanded his joke to include other various shelves, where the shoes don't go. When I tell him to put his shoes away, he always says, okay - mama come! I have to go with him, so he can make his joke.

Little commander

You definitely like to run the show and have very clear ideas about how things should be go. You direct everybody in their roles and parts in the Joshi-Show. As long as everyone goes along with you then there are no problems. If anyone strays from your will or "orders" you get down-right mad and even more insistent!
The other day papa got home from work and while mama was fixing dinner papa was playing with you. You started talking about the museum (Deutsches Verkehrzentrum) that papa usually takes you to. Then you took the phone, pretended to call mama to tell her (me) that you were going to the museum with papa and you were gonna take the bobby car (which you call baby car : ))). Papa usually brings that along for you and you ride it through the museum among the big cars and trains and helicopters, etc. So then you hung up the phone and went and got your bobby car and shoes and brought it into the kitchen. It was at that moment that you weren't just reminiscing or planning for another day, but were fully intent and convinced that you and papa were going to the museum! Papa had to explain to you that it is too late and it is time for dinner and that the museum isn't open. You were heart broken and cried big alligator tears! It took a bit to calm you down and the promise that you and papa would go real soon again! So sweet.

Lately you have also taken to two expressions- the one being "Oh Mein Gott!" and the hands go on the top of your head. You exclaim this like if you drop something or spill or just because. The other one is "Oh Ja, Danke Mama (or Papa)"....You say thank you if I make a good suggestion (like something to play) or if I give you food and you do it with such exclamation in your voice almost as if I am saving you - like i haven't fed you in an eternity...poor neglected child!

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012

Two cute things

Two cute things Joshi does: When he gets mad at Leo and doesn't want him to do help him manipulate a toy or pick him up - he says "Leo Lass!" "Lass es" means something like "let it be" 
One time when I was brushing Joshi's teeth and he was fussing about it, I explained how important it is because he had had cake and we had to get all the cake and sugar off his teeth. This seemed to impress him. Ever since then whenever we brush his teeth he starts giving the list. Cake! Sugar! Honey bread! Sirup! Chocolate! He is so funny he shouts this list off with toothbrush and all in mouth while I am busy brushing away at his teeth.

Freitag, 27. April 2012

Joshi watching Sesame Street

2 Years Old!

My dearest sweet Joshua,

You are two years old and you are wise, smart and capable beyond your two little years. Sometimes I am truly astounded by your abilities and your smarts. Sometimes, I really wonder who you are and where the heck you came from: like who is this little person living in my house – trying to run it? The last two months of your life have seen leaps and bounds in your development.
You finally started calling yourself by name 'Josha' end of January. And towards the end of February you started being able to call Leo by his name – with an American pronunciation – which is just the mispronunciation of the German : )
Your birthday celebration was very low key. We had a small party here. Just the family. Mommy baked you a chocolate cake which you were very excited about and definitely ate with gusto. And you were able to comprehend the idea of presents this time around. You understood that presents wrapped up meant cool toys and stuff inside and happily tore into one after then next. You got a piggy bank, a cool little car (from Leo) an aquadoodle. Your main presents from mama and papa was a car set that have car parts for a race car and a truck and a tool for putting them together and taking them apart.
A few days later you got your first bike - a balance bike. You were excited to see it and hopped right on it, but it was not as easy to do as you expected and it fell over a couple of times - which deterred you from trying again. We will put it away for a while and reintroduce it a little later. 

Here are some pics

Your development in the last few months have been amazing. You started recognizing numbers end of February. You pointed to the number 8 on the television screen in a telephone number flashed on the screen and surprised me that you already know to recognize numbers. I then took a clock and you pointed out the numbers 8, 3, 6 and 7 easily. The others you didn't know yet. But really amazing for 23 months old!

At the beginning of March you started saying three word sentences in English. Such as: Mama come, sit... No see sun. You can also recognize your name in writing.Surprising at this age already. You recongize the letters M and D as well as A.

One thing you do that cracks me up is you make this face....see photo above....your eyes get really big and silly and you open your mouth all the way up. I always laugh hysterically which you love and it makes you do more.

I know every Mama thinks there little one is the best ever and the smartest ever, but you really are!
Lots of love, Your adoring mother

Joshi and his numbers

Joshi is 2 years and one month old and he can already read all numbers 1 to 10 . He counts to 8 quite regularly but he skips over four and nine often .
Sometimes, I will overhear him counting to himself in a mix of German and English....fünf, sechs, seven eight.... 

He also likes letters and always asks me to sing him the abc's . He can already recognize the letters A, F and M all over.
And is already showing interest in reading

Freitag, 17. Februar 2012

Bilingual Baby and Smarty Pants

Joshua spends lots of time with mama and papa (more often papa) at museums. And in the tradition of his older brother Leo who has been going to the Deutsches Museum since he was 2 1/2 - Joshi now knows what it means to go the museum and at the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum (museum for transportation) he has his favorites picked out. He loves to get the sticker that all guests have to wear upon entry. He is terribly proud of his sticker which he wears on the chest of his shirt and that we all have one too. This will be one educated kid when we are finished with him.

He is being raised bilingually and while English is by far the dominant language at the moment. He understands a lot of German. He even mixes words. Up until now he said Nein instead of No. Now he has switched to saying No most of the time. Water is either WaWa or Wasser (which he pronounces perfectly). German pronunciation comes much easier. I am not sure if that is because it is such a gutteral language to begin with. Most likely.

Famous mispronunciations:

Ship comes out Shit
Fox comes out Fock
This is the best one: Firetruck comes out Fuckuck

Vvvvv: is Joshi's umbrella term for anything that spins, or spirals or looks like it could spin or spiral. Like a fan, the wheels of a car, the spinning dvd icon on the tv

He loves potato chips a lot. He calls them bops - It is so cute when he asks for a bop - one time he stole the bag without us realizing. We found him in the living room eating bop after bop out of the bag. Needless to say, he didn't want any dinner after.

Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012

Ha Hee Hoo or 21 months

Joshi first experience with television viewing has been Happy Feet (the step-dancing penguin), but Joshi can't pronounce it so he has come up with: Ha Hee Hoo. Lately has been getting on nerves asking to watch Ha Hee Hoo constantly. At first it was just the menu where Happy Feet dances and after the third time, the film starts automatically, he wanted the menu back on. Meanwhile he watches the first 20 minutes of the film.

He has three Kid CD's which he wants to hear non-stop. But if you put in the wrong one he gets furious. Thankfully he has moved on to asking for Michael Jackson and Johnny Cash. But even those CD's are getting old now.

At about 20 months he started to express the concept of possession and loves to label things as
mama's or papa's. If he finds a coin somewhere, which sometimes happens, he (thankfully) always brings it to me and says mama's and gives it to me.

Joshi's favorite expressions:

Nein, nein - DONE! When he doesnt want to do or eat something

Wes is'n des? more or less Bavarian for what's this?

He has a passion for fans. Once he discovered an air duct which he thought was a fan. I explained that it wasn't a fan but an air duct. He made the sound for fan wwwwwwwww with a quack quack attached. I laughed my arsch off, cause I realized of course he thought I said air duck. Now everytime he sees a cold air return he says wwwwww quack quack

A few weeks back we went to an organic farm with some of the JYM students to have a tour and to see the pigs. Joshi love the pigs except one of the stole his mitten and a pony tried to kiss him and scared him, he was crying. But it seems not to have caused any lasting trauma : )

Joshi loves to do Yoga with his mama. He can already do the following poses - downward dog, cat pose, lion and tree : ) He also loves to roll up the yoga mat for mama and carry back to where it goes. It is so cute to watch him bring it down the hall it is nearly as long as he is tall and he carries it so proudly to its place.

He still can't say Leo but says: hhnnngg (very gutteral!) which means Leo

It is hilarious when he farts -- he always laughs hahaha and says diaper (daper)...

He loves the concept of "all done" or "all gone", he mostly says all done to mean both. Even for situation where his book was not where it was supposed to be and he said book all done. When he found his binky holder with no binky attached, he said nay nay (his word for binky) all done. When he is in the car and doesn't want to be he says "done car"

First time lying at 20 months! When we layed down to bed for a nap one time, I discoverd he had a full diaper and we got up and changed it. Now whenever we lay down for a nap and he doesn't want to he wines and says done and when that doesn't work, he looks at me and says "diaper", cause he hopes we will get up to change him. I then check it there in bed and find out he is totally dry. I realized he is sort of lying to me! Hahaha - it starts this early? I never realized!