Sonntag, 18. September 2011


Since we have been back from the US, Joshi has really started talking:
Here is vocab at 17 months:
high chair
cracker (one of his first words!)
yogurt: acun
vacuum: acun
water: acun
chicken (chickachickachicka)

for Kitty cat he makes a clicking sound (like when you call a cat to you) and for Cheese he makes a "th" hissing sound - he is making up his own language.

Sign language:
milk, diaper, more, tree, bird, sky, airplane, please

We had a wonderful trip to the States. Joshi was so easy and he fell in love with everyone and everyone with him. He was such an easy traveller despite being all over the place, a nine hour flight.....he slept in the stroller the entire six hour delay in Philadelphia due to our cancelled flight and then in the flight to Detroit in my arms. He did amazingly well with the time change going over and with all the car travel. We were near Flint at Gigi's, then in a cabin in the woods (with Grandma Cindy and the Coutures) up near Harbor Springs. Joshi and Leo swam in Lake Michigan and loved playing on the sandy beaches of Petoskey State Park. We were then up on Mackinac Island for two nights with Mom and Olivia and whole rest of the gang staying in the Grand Hotel. We all had to get spiffed up for the evening dress code there. It was fun. We did a bike tour around the Island (Joshi was in the Croozer, but fell asleep for most of the ride) and went for a swim in the Grand Hotel Pool afterwards. That night we had dinner reservations "In the Woods" and took a horse drawn carriage into the center of the Island. Next day we took of to the UP to Whitefish Bay, dipped our feet in Lake Superior and headed on to Taquamenon Falls. It was brilliant. We saw the lower falls first and then the upper falls. There we had dinner at the Brewery there afterwards. After our time up North we headed down state again to stay with Grandpa Chaz and Gramma Jeanne. Leo got to ride Jeanne's horse and in the evening Gramma Sherrit and Jim came over as well for dinner. It was great tanking up on family. Afterwards we went on to Ann Arbor for a few hours and the Hands On Museum and saw the house and neighborhood where your mama grew up. We were then back to GiGi's for a night, we had pizza and spent the next day shopping and putting up towel racks for GiGi. For the rest of the time we spent at Grandma Cindy and Grandpa John's house with a day tour to Downtown Detroit (WSU, Belle Isle, Ghetto...)

GiGi couldn't stop talking about how smart Joshi is.....he is going to be one brilliant child, she kept saying. Grandma Cindy and Grandpa John kept talking about what a truly happy kid he is. He chattered away at John when we stayed with them explaining stuff with all seriousness in his own little chatter. So cute! He was quite taken with his Grandpa Chaz as well, fascinated somehow, like he understood this is family, these people belong to me!