Dienstag, 24. November 2015

Giving little Boy with a big heart

I am so proud to have a very loving caring boy. Once when you caught me crying (don't remember about what) - you hugged me and comforted me you said, "Don't cry mama, it is gonna be okay. Joshi is not going anyhwere. Joshi is right here. Here let me get you a tissue, it is okay Mama - sometimes Joshi cries too but it is okay." Talk about a parrot!

Your caretakers at the nursery, Michaela and Petra, were so impressed with how sweet you were to the other kids. At snack time you open your box and a surprise inside was a small package of your favorite snack Chocolate raisins. You were so excited to find these and you insisted on sharing them with the other kids, you didn't have many but you went around the table and placed one little chocolate raisin on each kid's plate. Sooo incredibly sweet!

Once you went with Papa to the petting zoo in Poing and you got to feed the goats. You wanted it to be ffair that each one got something from you. One goat in the back was uninterested and you got frustrated that it wouldn't come to eat. You started shouting out and yelling "Come here goat, come here goat"!!!

In the Krippe you take care of little Selma who can't get her own toys. You bring her toys put stuff together for her and play with her (show her how stuff works, goes...)
You like to get her water  bottle for her and give it to her.

You found a worm during an excursion to the playground and carried it carefully from the sand to the grass so that no kids would step on it. You were one of the only kids who had the guts to hold the worm in your hands.

 Your stuffed animal has its stations at the nursery - during morning circle or during eating or later for playing your animal always has its place.

 You also have an extreme need after not being at the nursery for a few days to explain everything that has gone on for you over the weekend to the care takers and you hold your little speech at the breakfast table - if you don't feel listened to you throw a fit. 

Papa don't make that Doofes Gesicht (don't make a dumn face).

at the museum he was making you pull his finger to make him go (you were dying to go to the steam train exhibit) you kept pulling the finger and letting go, but papa would only go as long as you were pulling the finger and would stop dead in his tracks as soon as you let go. Finally after a few times, you got frustrated and said - PAPA! You can walk all by yourself - come on! Papa cracked up.

Sonntag, 21. April 2013

God-made vs. Man-made

Many conversations have been focused on the difference between things made by God and things made by humans. It is so cute to hear Joshua start explaining to me, in the wisdome of a three-year mind, that God made all the trees, and all the birds and all the swimming pools. I explain to him yes, God did make all the trees and birds but the swimming pools are made by people, by men and women - but that God made all the water that we use to fill the swimming pools (naturally I leave out the part about all the chemicals that are added....this will be for later conversations when he is a bit older.....) and that God made all the lakes and the rivers and oceans. Joshua continues..."and God made all the people and mama and papa and all the doggies and all the signs..." I stop him to explain about the signs and then it continues from there. It is so sweet to see how Joshua is trying to organize things in to these two concepts of man-made and God-made.  He is really getting the hang of it and he loves this conversation topic very much.
The other big hot topic lately is the construction site next door to us (yet another one!!!!) The old post office is being torn down and we have watched the whole process. There were these big crane wreckers that definitely look like Tyranosaurus Rex was the model used - the powerful cranes are literally biting huges chunks of walles away, steel concrete and all. It is very fascinating to anyone but especially to a certain little 3-year old. We visit nearly daily to watch the progress. At home we have been playing construction site with his duplo set. He got a crane truck and a dump truck for his birthday. We take the duplos and build a half torn down building. The crane truck then has to finish wrecking it and the dump truck carries away the pieces and dumps them in to the various containers for recycling - all by colour of course. This is big fun. The other thing Joshua has fixated on is the pair of tongs he apropriated from the kitchen and claimed for his own. He takes these and says it is the wrecker and uses the tongs to take all the pillows off the sofa and tells me it is the old post and he is building a new building. The tongs are doing a lot of work. He carries these around from morning until night using every opportunity to move things with the tongs. One night he even wanted to sleep with them. I didn't allow it - as I just felt strange about letting him sleep with such a hard object (that can't be good can it?) So we made a separate bed for the tongs. This must be somehwat inspired by the book we read every night since his birthday. He got this from Grandma Cindy and it called Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site. It is an adorable book about how all the various trucks at a the construction site go to sleep one by one.
Joshua has most of the book memorized and quotes it throughout the day.

Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday!

My dear darling Joshua,

Today, on this Easter Sunday, you turned 3 years old! I can't believe how fast you have "grown up". You still have so much growing to do - but - you are already so big, so able and so smart and so clever. You are my favorite person in the whole world. I really have so much love for you. And we make each other laugh. I think we have lots of fun together in general. However, there are those moments where you and I just do something so silly and give each other that look. Then we bust out laughing and can't stop. It is such a beautiful moment when it happens. It feels like eternity and you laugh with such purity and we are so open to one another, so close, so together!  I want to hold on to those moments with a certain tenacity, but it is like trying to hold tight to a handful of sand. Those moments slip away in to the future - in to future moments.

More later.....

Your mama

Terrible Twos - AAAaaahhhhhh!!!!

Dear Josh,

There are so many very cute and wonderful things about you. Things that make my heart leap and melt all at the same time. This is a very good thing and assures your survival in those too frequent moments lately in which test my nerves and bring me to the brink of madness. You are in the thick of the terrible twos. It is a very natural process and everyone keeps assuring me it is normal and healthy. It is necessary that you discover your independence. Now that you have discovered you are your own person.

We are in the midst of getting ready for Christmas - Steam train.

Rabbit died, up in heaven with God. Mama where is the bunny? I want my bunny back!

Meins! Everything is yours. One time you said " Mama EVERYTHING is meins"

Things I want to remember: telling the time, mama the big hand? not wanting to sleep

throwing things,time outs, refusing to budge, lying, negotiating; Language mixes: Mama was ist hier on the table passiert?

Reading letters at 2 1/2 you already know a good handful of letters. A, B, C, M, N, F, E. You know all of your numbers - recognize and name.

Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012

Photos of Joshua at Isar Kids


Living and Swearing

My dear boy -

It is hard to imagine that 2 and 1/2 years ago you could do nothing by yourself, save nursing and sleeping, and how far you have come in such a short time.

You have gotten into the cursing thing - sometimes Mama and Papa are bad and say "Scheisse" without thinking - Like when the cat jumped out the window onto the scaffolding outside the apartment and I saw him walking past the living room window - I yelled Scheisse! and ran to rescue the cat! That impressed you very much, to my dismay ; ) Papa was also laying network cables through the JYM offices after our renovations. We were all there on a Saturday working, etc. and you heard Papa cursing the cables, he said:
Scheissendreck! (rough translation dirty shit / I guess in English we would say piece of shit!) Anyhow, that impressed you too. You got out your own cables and pretended to lay them (through furniture and along walls) and you cursed Scheissendreck the whole time! Trying to correct you was absolutely futile. We chose to just ignore (not to make it even more enticing by drawing all kinds of attention to the word and your saying it!)

You definitely have some binlingual mixes that are quite endearing:
Mama kann ich bitte more haven?
Super gemacht! Mama is a big boy now! (After I successfully sliced your pizza.

It was really cute how the last time we skyped with grandma, you put on quite a show for her! You danced and bounced around on the sofa and were really hamming it up for her.

I love how you are singing all the time (like your Mama!)- you know nearly all the words (acoustically at least) to Somewhere over the Rainbow (I sing this to you very often to help you fall sleep) and you know all the ABC's. It is funny because we watch this one video - ABC gang (three guys A, B and C) where they sing the song and afterwards letter A starts humming the tune and says "Hey..wait a minute" and starts singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star under his breath - he then shouts "Hey, they`re the same song! They`re the same song! We always laugh so hard here and you like to imitate that scene at the breakfast table. So funny!

The other day you took your doll Mocca (yes you have one!) held her and sang her Somewhere over the Rainbow (while giving her your Binky!) to get to her to sleep. So cute : )

At the nursery we had a developement assessment at the beginning of August. You are average to well-above average in every category. They say you are the only one who knows (and uses!) the names of all the kids and teachers including those from the other groups, that you don't see that often!
They say you are the local commentator/ news reporter..whatever goes on, is being done or the actions of other kids you narrate the events to all who care to listen. You do this at home too. It is quite a riot!

Your two favorite other kids at the moment are Stella and Paul. They say your are a tight threesome and love to play together. 

I love you bunches and bunches my little Joshi Bockers!

Montag, 9. Juli 2012

Growing like a weed

Joshi is growing and developing at light speed. It is amazing to watch such a little person making so many new connections everyday.

Joshi Cutenesses.
He doesn't like his hands to be dirty or sticky. He always cries STICKY when his hands are a bit of a mess. When he eats bread with honey, I have to wipe his hands at regular intervals so he doesn't have a meltdown. He won't touch his sippy cup to drink until he has been wiped. At the zoo with Papa at the crocodile cage - one crocodile came out of the water and played in the sand in front of the glass. All the visitors were thrilled with this treat - only Joshi was disturbed. Not because he was afraid or anything, but because sand was sticking to the crocodile's wet hands and feet. He kept saying again and again, oh oh, sticky!  

Joshi is a jokester -one little job he has is to put his shoes back where they go when we get home. They go on a particular shelf in his dresser. We moved the dresser though to another spot and since them he loves to make the joke that he is putting the shoes back in the air in the spot where the dresser used to stand. He waits till you say....no not there! He laughs and runs to the spot where they now go. He expanded his joke to include other various shelves, where the shoes don't go. When I tell him to put his shoes away, he always says, okay - mama come! I have to go with him, so he can make his joke.